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NNC 2023

Lund, Sweden

Nobel 2022: announcement

Announcement of this year's Nobel Prize winners in medicine.

One in two patients with head trauma dies - few survive

Majoriteten av patienterna som får sjukhusvård efter skjutningar och knivskärningar har skador på huvud, hals och ansikte – och risken att få bestående men är stor, visar ny forskning. »Att man siktar mot huvudet är en indikation på att man skjuter för att döda«, säger forskaren Elham Rostami.

 Brain damage has been detected in covid-19 patients

In some sick covid-19 patients, you can see signs that the nerve cells and support cells in the brain are affected, according to a new study from Uppsala University. It is not established how the coronavirus attacks or damages the nervous system, but there are various theories. "One theory is that you can get clots in the brain and have a stroke," says Elham Rostami, a neurosurgeon at the University Hospital and one of the researchers behind the study.


beatings, stabbings, and assaults are the kinds of things we have learned as part of the activities of criminals. When victims of violence end up in healthcare, they talk about trauma, and here neurosurgeon Elham Rostami talks about what she sees in her world from the crimes. How many end up in hospitals as a result of violent crime? How many survive, and how many are disabled for life? You can read more in the chapter "Violent crime from the perspective of the healthcare system: Characterization, care, and current research" written by Elham Rostami together with colleagues Ulf P. Arborelius, Mattias Günther, and Martin Dahlberg in the anthology "The Swedish state" (Amir Rostami & Jerzy Sarnecki) .

Uppsala research on gunshot victims will save lives

Uppsala researcher Elham Rostami has mapped and analyzed gunshot wounds in Sweden. Research that she hopes will help the care of gunshot victims.

Neurosurgeon at Akademiska is elected to Sweden's young academy

Elham Rostami, a neurosurgeon at the University Hospital and docent in neurosurgery at Uppsala University, is one of six new, outstanding researchers who have been elected to Sweden's young academy. As a new member, she wants to improve the conditions for clinical researchers and increase interest in research and science.

Three doctors admitted to clinical research program

Individanpassad läkemedelsbehandling för patienter med hjärnskador, nya sätt att behandla kroniska bensår samt studier för att se om MS är en sjukdom som går att bota. Det är vad Elham Rostami, Jakob Wikström och Joachim Burman, de tre läkare som nu blivit utsedda till Wallenberg Clinical Fellows, ska ägna sig åt.

Våldsbrott ur sjukvårdens perspektiv med Elham Rostami